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  • Writer's pictureReally Roshantha

One Fine Day

A fine day! Sunrise at Arugambay, East Coast of Sri Lanka 13th Oct 2016

Had a bad day? It's alright, you are allowed to have one. Nobody goes through life without having an off day - when nothing you say or do goes right. You look in the mirror, or look to the heavens, stare at the sky and ask that perennial question: "Why me?"

And no one answers you.

Because the answer isn't out "there", it is in you. Sometimes you need to trust in yourself. Have faith in your abilities and have the patience to hold on, through all the troubles and strife. Through the pain and the hurt. Be steadfast. Stay your course, dig in deep and hold on to the knowledge that there will be a better day - one day, one fine day.

When a friend is facing troubles of their own and you know that there isn't much that you can do. Just remember, sometimes what that friend needs is not for you to do anything, but to just be there - to listen. "The greatest gift you can give someone is your time" (quote unknown source). The greatest skill you will need - empathic listening.

Here is a poem I wrote for a friend back in 1994. My friend was going through some tough times at home and needed someone to listen without judgement. I wrote this poem in the hope that it would inspire her to look forward with positivity.

One Fine Day

Life is short, but I can wait,

I can't say when, can't give you a date.

But I know it's coming - I've read it someplace, A day when it will fall into place;

You'll get yours and I'll get mine, I don't know when, can't tell you a time,

But I know when it comes, you'll feel alright, stepping out of the dark and into the light;

Keep the faith - that's what I do, for your greatest strength, is your faith in you.

Through your darkest moment, from your deepest despairs,

Comes the sweetest of victories - that glory so rare. Life is too short, to worry it away,

Believe in yourself - that's what I say.

'Cause it may be tomorrow (could be today!)

Everything will be alright - one day...

One fine day.

Take a few moments to appreciate your life so far. Give thanks that you are alive. Take some time to be there for someone. To lift them up - to listen without judgement. That little time that you spend, can be the difference in their life.

If you are having a bad day, I'm there to listen. Have faith. You will get through it. Look upon the sunrise and say, that one fine day - is today!

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